
Stewart Greens is the last development in the popular Lewis Estates area of West Edmonton. It is made up of beautiful parkland, established neighborhoods, and an extensive network of trails. It’s easy to walk or bike wherever you need to go.

Stewart Greens is a setting that inspires healthy outdoor living and attracts like-minded families. It is a place where lifelong friendships are forged and family fun shapes the quality of life. Enjoy peace and quiet, play dates and backyard barbecues at your leisure. Indulge in the pride of ownership and the sense of satisfaction that comes from investing in a happier future.

Stewart Greens is surrounded by everything a growing family needs. From family doctors and dentists to good schools and organized sports facilities. Families of all shapes and sizes can find a home here. There are a variety of attractions and recreational opportunities for kids, and the Lewis Estates Golf Course is close by.

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